Tech companies wield vast power, but face limited accountability, and are able to hide socially significant decisions and harmful working conditions behind corporate secrecy. Whistleblowers disclosing misconduct have had astonishing impact—but the process remains fraught.
Join Ifeoma Ozoma, the AI Now Institute and Whistleblower Aid for a tech-worker focused webinar, covering the basics of safe whistleblowing and your rights as a worker. You can join securely and anonymously from a personal device:
Thursday, March 25, 2021
3:30pm Pacific / 6:30pm Eastern
Livestreamed on YouTube, Chat & Questions on Slido
Use Tor Browser for anonymous access
No RSVP required
Featuring Ifeoma Ozoma, Meredith Whittaker and lawyer John Tye, this session will discuss the arguments for tech worker whistleblowing, the legal options for safe whistleblowing, and what more we can do to protect whistleblowers. Topics will include:
- How to blow the whistle as safely, lawfully, and in many cases, anonymously
- Handling corporate non-disclosure and confidentiality agreements
- Efforts underway to better protect whistleblowers, and what you can do to support these
- Reasons to go first to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, then Congress, before turning to journalists
- Basic physical and information security
Ifeoma Ozoma became a nationally-recognized voice on tech accountability when she reported discrimination at Pinterest. She also worked at Facebook and Google, and founded the consultancy Earthseed. With California State Senator Connie Leyva, Ifeoma is developing legislation that would limit the power of non-disclosure agreements to restrict victims’ communications about work-related discrimination.
AI Now is the leading research institute examining the social implications of artificial intelligence. The institute’s work has emphasized the importance of tech whistleblowers as an essential mode of AI accountability.
Completely free and pro bono, Whistleblower Aid’s lawyers represented the anonymous Ukraine whistleblower whose disclosures led to the first impeachment of Donald Trump, and have handled many other front-page disclosures like Ronan Farrow exclusives on Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein and former CIA Director Gina Haspel.
Webinar security and anonymity:
- Do not join from a work device, or any device or browser that might be tracked.
- Unless you’re ok with Google / YouTube knowing your IP address, you must download Tor Browser, and access the webinar links over Tor, which will add about a 20-second delay to the livestream.
- Feel free to add questions anytime via the Slido link above.
We hope you can join us. If you already think you need free legal advice, before you do anything else contact Whistleblower Aid’s lawyers directly over SecureDrop, or over the encrypted Signal app at +1.201.773.1371.