Silencing Whistleblowers a Top Trump Priority
As Whistleblower Aid continues to support whistleblowers across the federal government, we are encouraged that the Senate Democrats have launched a dedicated portal for government employees today. This effort is a welcome response to the concerted and ongoing actions by the Trump Administration to dismantle accountability mechanisms at the DOJ, FBI and offices of Inspectors General, install political loyalists and purge career employees who have served with distinction and integrity. In short – the Trump Administration has made silencing whistleblowers a top priority.
Whistleblower Aid has worked with Congress for nearly a decade to make sure these brave truth-tellers stay safe and to address the wrongdoing they bring to light. As the executive branch narrows, degrades or destroys the protections and channels it previously provided to whistleblowers, Congress must step up and enhance its own role. In particular, it needs to act on whistleblower disclosures in partnership with lawyers and legal non-profits like Whistleblower Aid.
The Senate initiative is a great step toward creating another avenue for federal whistleblowers. We suggest a few other considerations for those who have something to disclose:
- Don’t use your government device to contact the Senate portal;
- Don’t share classified information – on the portal or in person – without advice of counsel;
- Seek legal representation as soon as possible.
It’s best if an intake portal can also provide broader information on privacy and security: for example, letting whistleblowers know how their disclosure will be handled and by whom, and what they can expect in terms of follow-up.
As always, we stand ready to work with members of Congress – on both sides of the aisle – to protect whistleblowers who are on the front lines. They are essential to the defense of our constitution, the rule of law and government institutions under threat during this turbulent time.
-Libby Liu, CEO of Whistleblower Aid